Monday, February 18, 2013

And In Those Moments

Our book would never be read aloud
There would not be celebrations of milestones
Of souls in warmth and drunk embers of whispers that caressed wounded yesterdays

Our names would never be uttered in one breath
There would not be oohs and aahs at yellowed photographs
Of promises made in the silence of held hands

And yet
If I am not able to love again, the way that I do now…
I would toast to what you and I could have been
As frost of what’s left unspoken thaw and disappear

We sought out the sun
And coaxed out the moon
As we basked and bathed
In love’s soothing serenade

And in those moments
Memories of you now
Would always

Always be enough for me.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Space

Stuck WITH My Space because I can only log in to Slacker and Songza if and when I am anywhere in North America. And this is what they say:

We are very sorry to say that due to licensing constraints we cannot allow access to Songza for listeners located outside of the United States and Canada.

Based on your IP address, we believe that you are located outside of the United States and Canada. Please accept our deepest apology for restricting your access to Songza; we share your disappointment and frustration.

Everyone should have the right to enjoy this service and we are committed to launching Songza in every possible country. We will work assiduously to obtain the requisite licenses where they exist. If you would like to be notified by email when Songza is available in your country, please enter your country of residence and email address in the form below.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing We hope to see you back on Songza in the very near future.

Team Songza

Really guys? But when? You're losing out on a lot for this deprivation.
So yeah I'm going to be able to log in very soon - I'll probably have to ask my mac to meditate and levitate so that when it arrives in Koh Samui it will still be suspended in a North American IP address.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Your Own

To pursue yourself is an interesting and absorbing thing to do.
Once you have caught the scent of a hidden being, your own hidden being,
you won't really be deflected from the tracking down of it."
— Cynthia Popper Seton

Saturday, February 2, 2013

That's Enough For Me

Whatever it was. Brief its run may have been. However way it went. This joy I will forever carry with a knowing smile - I find comfort in, the kind that brings a human being to one's knees in soulful gratitude for having felt it. That's enough and will always be - for me.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Joy as it rises to the surface
Like waves saving me from the heights of what may be

The hollow of those hands
At the cusp of crystal almost unbearable pleasures from warmed nights
Of yesterdays, my forever

Promises no more
Candles burned to their core

Weeping willows never more beautiful
On the day words that can't be spoken
We're felt

Journey on beloved
Songs will still be sung
Words written and unheard

It falls not on deaf ears
Because I have not listened as intently
to the lapping of our shores
As I do now

Bring nothing but a smile
That springs forth
At the touch of soft feathery kisses
Whenever the rain grazes those eyes

Journey on beloved
Celebrations will go on unabated
Laughter and tears jostling for speech